Change. Does that concept stir up excitement or dread? Maybe a little bit of both? Regardless of where you are on this scale today, the energy of 2023 is one that will bring change—to everything. Life is always changing: our bodies are constantly changing; daily we learn new stuff at school or work; and relationships are our personal laboratories to learn about giving, receiving, and connecting with others. We face change every day. The Akashic Records for the year 2023 say the energy of this year bring the opportunity to create a lot of visible change quickly. As you move through 2023, may the changes you both create and receive serve to support and nourish you in your own right way.
From the Akashic Records
What is the most important concept to know about for 2023?
Change will touch everything. Changes will be both external and internal.
In the world around us, one of the most significant shifts will be a greater understanding and recognition of how humans have changed the natural environment. This year, more people than ever will begin to understand just how much human activity has impacted the environment and how the altered environment is affecting daily life. This new understanding is like the crest of a wave: it has been building for quite some time, but in 2023 there’s going to be a new high point of awareness. This greater level of awareness and acknowledgment is quite hopeful because more people will gain personal insights into how their actions affect the natural world immediately around them. Little actions add up to very big changes, and more people will start making their own smaller changes that ultimately affect the whole. From an energetic standpoint, the earth appreciates all the efforts—both on the collective and the individual levels—to aid its healing. The earth does have the capacity to heal.
On a personal level, there is a lot of support to make deep internal changes. This year can feel like casting off clothes that never fit. Think about what it would be like to wear two layers of clothes all the time. The outer layer either never fit or you’ve grown out of it. The layer of clothes you’re wearing underneath, though, is just right for you. These clothes fit perfectly, feel great, and are the right texture, style, and color. This year’s energy supports casting off a lot of what never fit or what no longer does. But you will have to take action to cast off what doesn’t fit—and there’s powerful energy to support this.
Change comes along every year, but what makes 2023 so different?
Change happens all the time, and each year brings more change. But in 2023 the changes will happen faster. One way to understand this is to think of an old-fashioned water pump used to bring water up from a well or underground pool. Cranking the handle up and down several times moves the water into the spout, thus priming the pump so the water is ready to flow. Once the water moves into the spout, all it takes is one more crank of the pump to get the water to flow out of the pump. The energy of 2023 has primed the flow of change to the point where all you have to do is take action to start seeing results.
Does the energy of 2023 support personal change in way that’s different than other years?
Generally speaking, it’s going to be easier to clearly define the changes we want to make, understand our deeper motivations about what and why we want to change, and to take action. There’s a powerful wave we can ride to make our internal changes. Once we get started, the energy of the year provides the flow of support so these changes come more easily to us than they would have in the past.
With such a year of change, is there reason to feel hopeful?
There are a lot of reasons to feel hopeful. The Akashic Records keep showing the image of a wave that is cresting. This wave symbolizes your strength and that of the community to wake up to the power and ability to create change. This is a year when we can more easily reach a deeper understanding of our own power to create the changes that are important to us. We all matter, our actions matter, our attitudes matter. All of this ripples out into the world, and we will begin to understand in a new and tangible way how all of these ripples not only affect our daily lives but also the world around us.
Is there anything else to know about 2023?
The energy of change in 2023 is so powerful that things may feel wobbly at times. It’s like a child’s top that spins and looks like it’s going to tip over just far enough to fall on its side. In 2023 it may seem like the spinning top is going to fall, but the Akashic Records show that no matter how far the top tips it will right itself and keep spinning.
About Maribeth Stephens
Maribeth’s clients describe her as a gifted Akashic Records intuitive. The Akashic Records are an energetic record of all thoughts, actions, feelings, and experiences across time and space. Your individual Akashic Records can be used to better understand the underlying energy of relationships, patterns, and spiritual connection. The flow of knowing that is available through your Akashic Records can support your well-being and spiritual growth through every phase of life. As a natural empath, Maribeth acts as a witness and relays without judgment what is fundamental to you, in the moment, from your Akashic Records. Based in Seattle, available worldwide. Schedule your personal reading at