Some religious traditions call for prayers to be standardized, memorized, and recited by rote. Other traditions encourage spontaneity and fluidity when reaching out in prayer. The choice of how—or whether—to pray is extremely personal. When I opened the Akashic Records of the energy or Prayer, I wasn’t sure what would come through, given the many different meaningful traditions that encourage the use of prayer. What I found so surprising is the true nature and simplicity of that which has come to be known as prayer.
From the Akashic Records
What is prayer?
Prayer is the call of the heart. It is the call of one heart to another heart, of one energy to another energy. It’s not only humans who pray; anything that is sentient can make this kind of call of the heart.
Prayer acts as an energy which is intended to attract. There’s a saying, “When you pray, your prayer is answered.” It’s true to a degree. The degree is this: When you pray, you are acknowledging something deeply held in your heart. When you pray, your deepest heart is sending out a call for resonance. Your call for resonance can connect with a corresponding resonance right away, which appears to be an immediate answer. Or your heart’s call can linger for a while until the matching resonance is ready to meet it. Or your call quickly matches the corresponding resonance but the match doesn’t look how you thought it would, which leaves the impression of an unanswered prayer.
A prayer is always a request for resonance.
Does prayer do any good?
Yes. Prayer lightens the heart and it opens yourself to you. Simply said, a prayer is a request for an opening. For the one who prays, it’s a request to open oneself to possibility.
Is prayer different than sending light and love or sending someone good thoughts?
Yes, but it’s not that the energy is different. Sending someone or a situation light and love is active. You are expressing your agency: “I see a situation and I am sending you a certain resonance for that situation.” Prayer, on the other hand, is you looking in your heart to seek resonance. In prayer, it’s like you are saying to yourself, “I am opening my heart to resonance and I don’t know what form the answering resonance will take.”
When you say or think “I’m sending light and love” or “I’m sending you good thoughts” it’s about you sending resonance. When you pray, you create an opening for a matching resonance but you don’t yet what that matching resonance will look like.
What happens when a person says a prayer for another?
In the example of a prayer circle, the people who are saying a prayer in a prayer circle made an agreement to align their heart energy with the person being prayed for, so the resonance is amplified. An individual prayer has a great deal of power. And each person who makes a prayer contributes their own resonance. The people in the prayer circle offering the prayers do so willingly. But if there’s someone in a prayer circle who doesn’t really want to be in the circle, who’s heart isn’t really in it, or who’s in judgment of the person being prayed for, that person’s offering of resonance isn’t quite in alignment and isn’t quite as powerful.
What happens in situations where there’s a crisis in a faraway city or country and you send a prayer for that situation?
It’s very similar to sending love and light. You are making a choice to align your resonance. It’s like a prayer circle. You’re adding your resonance to the situation that you’re praying for. Prayer for other people and for situations aligns with the resonance that’s needed.
What else is important to know about prayer?
Prayer absolutely works. It works in that you are opening yourself to a resonance. That is the most important thing about prayer.
Prayer also acts as a type of ladder. If you pray about a situation, you’re opening yourself up to a matching resonance. Then the next time you pray, you have a little bit different resonance and you send a prayer with that resonance; it’s like being on a different rung on a ladder. You can think of prayer as a ladder of resonance with difference frequencies. Praying and keeping yourself open to the corresponding resonance without expectation increases your own resonance and the resonance of your ensuing prayers.
It’s also important to understand that prayer is not necessarily manifestation. That’s the confusion about prayer. People pray for an outcome and the outcome may not happen as they envision it. Again, what prayer does is open your heart to you and what you desire in your deepest self. For example, if a person prays to find true love, that person is requesting an opening to the sense of true love. There are many types of true love. True love may not show up as a person. It may be your heart opening to a new way of looking at the world. A true love may be a new course of study that fills your heart. A true love could be a person or it could turn out to be a beloved animal companion, for example.
The thing about prayer is to ask without expectation of what the matching resonance will be. The perception that prayers go unanswered happens because so many expectations are wrapped up in the asking part.
Prayer is answered as soon as you say it. And the answer is that you have opened your heart to possibility.
About Maribeth Stephens
Maribeth’s clients describe her as a gifted Akashic Records intuitive. The Akashic Records are an energetic record of all thoughts, actions, feelings, and experiences across time and space. Your individual Akashic Records can be used to better understand the underlying energy of relationships, patterns, and spiritual connection. The flow of knowing that’s available through your Akashic Records can support your well-being and spiritual growth through every phase of life. As a natural empath, Maribeth acts as a witness and relays without judgment what is fundamental to you, in the moment, from your Akashic Records. Based in Seattle, available worldwide. Schedule your personal reading at