From the Akashic Records

Is there a way to describe the overall energy of 2025?

2025 offers an energy to help you reweave the connections and the communities that are a part of your life. It will be important to focus on knowing what’s important to you so you can let go of anything that’s not. As the year progresses, it will be easy to get caught up in a lot of outside distractions that you won’t be able to control. But staying focused on what’s most important to you should make it easier to navigate 2025 and minimize distractions.

Are there constructive attitudes that we can bring to this year?

Don’t take anything for granted. That’s a key theme from the Akashic Records for 2025. Focusing on what you hold dear will serve you well. The energy of this year allows you to take deep, honest looks at what’s most important to you. You might find yourself asking questions like, “What do I like the most about my friend groups? My hobby groups? The institutions that serve me and others in the larger community? My work in the world? Should I commit to a volunteer organization? Should I step away from a volunteer group that I’ve been a part of for the last 10 years?”

Each priority can be thought of as a thread that’s part of the overall fabric of your life. Because of the energy in 2025, you’ll have support in sorting out your true priorities and releasing anything that no longer serves who you are now.

Here’s an example: Let’s say a few years ago you got involved in a community volunteer group, which has been working with an official agency, to help clean and restore the part of a stream that flows through your neighborhood park. But the money that had been committed by a funding authority is suddenly withdrawn in 2025. There’s no way to pay for the remaining restoration without the promised funds. To restore the stream, new sources of funding are needed. This is where the energy of 2025 comes in to play. Some members of your volunteer group, who’ve worked beside you for the past several years, review the other commitments in their lives — family care, supporting elder relatives, or schooling, for example — and decide those commitments take priority over the new and unexpected need to find a funding source. They make the choice that’s right for them to step away and focus on other priorities. But you and others decide that continuing your role in the stream restoration project is still a high priority. So, you work together to figure out how to finish the project. For example, as a group you consider donating your own money or applying for grants. Or, you decide to band together with community groups of like interest to fund and complete the project.

The energy of this year will prompt just about everyone to reweave at least some portion of their lives. The greatest potential for a satisfactory reweaving comes from knowing what’s most important to you. This knowledge creates space so you can better decide what to keep, what to release, and where to build a deeper sense of community.

Will our lives be expanding or contracting?

Both, depending on your point of view. When you let something go, you get to ask, “Who am I now? What do I want to explore? What’s important to me now that wasn’t important to me a few years ago?” These types of questions are where expansion happens.

It’s important to note that the energy of 2025 is not an energy for tearing something apart. It’s an energy that supports conscious assessment of what’s important and whether to reprioritize. The year 2025 is about taking a deliberate look at what’s most important to you, releasing what’s not, and then reassembling your priorities in terms of relationships, community, and work.

How does the energy of 2025 apply to our working lives?

2025 carries a lot of energy for self-reflection. There’s going to be a lot of opportunities for you to honestly assess why you’re doing a particular job or working in a specific field. People stay in jobs for a lot of reasons. Some people stay because they love the work itself. Others stick around because, while they may find the work somewhat uncomfortable, they care deeply about what happens to their clients, customers, or coworkers, or they want to support the mission of the organization. Some stay because the job provides enough money and benefits to support a family. Others remain because it will take them to the next rung on their career ladder. Once your why is clear, you’ll be better able to decide whether to stay, go, or otherwise revise or rearrange your working life in a way that better suits you and your priorities.

How might this energy of 2025 influence society as a whole?

The changes that are coming to the surface in 2025 actually started a couple of years ago and are just becoming visible to us. In 2025, there will be even more shifts that start small but grow into having greater impacts. It’s like a small trickle of water that feeds into a creek, and then several creeks combine into a river, and then a number of rivers join to become a major waterway. In a similar way, the smaller changes that started a couple of years ago will continue into, and beyond, 2025. Similarly the shifts that happen in 2025 will take time to unfold. That’s why it’s important that you know what you value and make choices that are right for you about what to keep front and center in your life.

Some people will feel challenged, and some will feel motivated and invigorated by the energies of 2025, but the underlying energy itself is neutral. You can use this energy to support you in assessing what’s important to you, releasing what’s not, and weaving a new whole that supports not only who you are now but also who you are becoming — as an individual and as a member in your communities.

About Maribeth Stephens
Maribeth’s clients describe her as a gifted Akashic Records intuitive. The Akashic Records are an energetic record of all thoughts, actions, feelings, and experiences across time and space. Your individual Akashic Records can be used to better understand the underlying energy of relationships, patterns, and spiritual connection. The flow of knowing that is available through your Akashic Records can support your well-being and spiritual growth through every phase of life. Maribeth acts as a witness and relays without judgment what is fundamental to you, in the moment, from your Akashic Records. Based in Seattle, available worldwide. Schedule your personal reading at