What would it be like to experience New Year Day all year long? (Minus any aftereffects of too much revelry, of course.) New Year is traditionally about setting intentions and starting something new. The Akashic Records offer a novel take on this for 2022. Instead of starting something new, what would it be like to look at existing situations with new eyes? What would that lead to for you and those around you? If we each did this, what would this lead to for all of us? The Akashic Records say that 2022 offers us the chance to reconsider just about everything.
What good things can we look forward to in 2022?
The Akashic Records call 2022 the Year of Reconsideration. It’s a sweeping energy. You can use this energy to look at things in a new way. It’s an opportunity to see below the surface. But taking advantage of this energy requires you to be open to taking a fresh look. There will be a lot of little things that come up during the year that create space for reexamination. Taking a new look allows for new knowledge to flow. This year offers us an invitation to look at things anew.
What does the reconsideration mean for large groups?
While the predominant energy of 2022 is reconsideration, the deeper energy driving the flow of reconsideration is the energy of inclusiveness. In other words, 2022 is the Year of Reconsideration borne on the wings of inclusiveness. New seeds of inclusiveness have been planted over the last decade, especially. They’ve sprouted and are now getting stronger and taking hold. That said, there’s a likelihood that those who’ve held onto power in the past by excluding others based on perceived differences will keep trying to exclude. In the long run, it won’t work. The roots of inclusiveness are stronger; they’ll continue to grow while the results become increasingly visible.
What can we do to enhance the influences of 2022?
Allow yourself to take a second look at things. You may come to understand the motivation behind a person’s behavior that caused you pain, disruption, or discomfort. This new understanding does not invalidate your feelings or experiences. Coming to this new understanding also doesn’t mean you need to put up with being poorly treated. Bearing an attitude of reconsideration can help you reach a new understanding of why something happened. This new understanding can open the door to inclusiveness.
It can be a little startling, though, when you start reconsidering things. It can be like taking off blinders. Reconsideration can open new fields of vision, and new ways of looking at things can feel scary at first. It’s like the difference between looking at a two-dimensional picture of a landscape and actually standing in the landscape. The picture offers only an unchanging view, but being in the landscape lets you see both far and near as the environment surrounds you. Stepping from a two-dimensional, flat way of viewing a situation to looking at the wider perspective can feel unnerving at first, but it also carries a richness that is not available in the two-dimensional view. It just may take a while to get used to this wider field of vision.
As individuals, will there be anything we can do to foster this opening up?
Open yourself to knowing that things are not always as they seem on the surface and that people are more complicated and have more depth and complexity than you see. Holding this intention will open you to opportunities for reconsideration.
Is there anything else the Akashic Records have to say about 2022?
Don’t over complicate it. All you have to do is ask yourself, “Is there a different way I can look at this? Is there something I can reconsider about this relationship, person, or job?” Just know that this field is available throughout 2022. To take part in it, just ask, “Is there another way I can think about this?” This energy can serve you well and is here to help open new doors of attitude and understanding.
About Maribeth Stephens
Maribeth’s clients describe her as a gifted Akashic Records intuitive. The Akashic Records are an energetic record of all thoughts, actions, feelings, and experiences across time and space. Your individual Akashic Records can be used to better understand the underlying energy of relationships, patterns, and spiritual connection. The flow of knowing that’s available through your Akashic Records can support your well-being and spiritual growth through every phase of life. As a natural empath, Maribeth acts as a witness and relays without judgment what is fundamental to you, in the moment, from your Akashic Records. Based in Seattle, available worldwide. Schedule your personal reading at akashicbalance.com.