When I was a child the idea of “sacred space” meant going to church every Sunday. Sitting on a hard pew, along with going through several bouts of kneeling and standing during the service, is about all I can remember of being in that sacred space. It was as a young adult that I started my first explorations into different sacred traditions. It was also during this time when I was exposed to different concepts of sacred space. Over the years, through my own personal practice and work with mentors, I have come to an appreciation of sacred space that is gentler than the hard pews I felt and high walls I saw as a child. I now understand that sacred space is set through intention and can be established anywhere and at any time. (For instance, the blessing I use at the start of an Akashic Records reading establishes the container of and intention for that reading.) Being the curious sort, I wanted to go even deeper to see what the Akashic Records would have to say about the importance sacred space plays in our lives.

From the Akashic Records
What is sacred space?
Sacred space is both a source and a container of love. Sacred space can be anywhere and anything. It can be a valley, a mountain, a patio, a spot on the beach, a patch of forest. People can call in sacred space wherever and whenever they need it. The agreement that sacred space carries is that it’s a field of love and potential, which anyone can step into at any time. The feeling of sacred space is that it’s simultaneously caressing and buoyant.

How is sacred space honored?
Sacred space is honored by being acknowledged. It is as simple and as profound as that. Acknowledging that a space is sacred—a space set apart from everyday space—is what sets up its field of potential.

Are there other ways we can show our intention for sacred space?
There are as many different rituals and ways to establish sacred space as there are people. It’s important to know, though, that a ritual that’s meaningful for you is the one that’s going to hold the strongest power of your intention for creating sacred space. Ritual is powerful. So is intention. Yet establishing sacred space doesn’t need to follow strictly defined rituals or be overly formal. Your intention is what establishes the space as a sacred container.

Is sacred space physical, energetic, or spiritual?
It’s all of those. Sacred space is both the container and the intention held within the container. In the Western tradition, cathedrals are one symbol of sacred space. Walls set the boundaries and it’s those boundaries that define the outside, everyday space and the inside, sacred space. A person doesn’t need to build walls, however, to create sacred space. Creating a container with intention is just as powerful. The underlying point is that sacred space is a container of intention.

There are places like Stonehenge and different places in nature that we believe were considered sacred. Are these sites still sacred? Does sacred space move on?
Stonehenge is one place where the earth’s energy is a little bit thinner. Ancient peoples would go to this spot and connect to the vortex of energy that’s there. Over time people erected the stones to create the physical structure we call Stonehenge. They connected to and honored the energy first, then built the structure.

There are a lot of naturally occurring portals like this all over the world. These portals are vortexes of energy shaped like cones, with the smaller end pointing toward the center of the earth but not fixed within the earth and the wider end connecting to the surface. These vortexes of energy are always moving within themselves, like a whirlpool, and the whole structure can change location. Sometimes an earth portal is open only briefly. Other earth portals are open for eons.

It’s said that Mount Shasta in California is a sacred site, a sacred portal. Who sets the intention for these earth portals?
It’s the earth’s body that sets the intention for these portals. These portals are part of the earth’s gift to creation. Any sacred space, whether it’s Stonehenge, Mount Shasta, or an altar you establish on a shelf in your home, is a portal of intention. With your intention you can set a sacred space at any time, in any location. If you want to create a sacred space in your backyard to support fun, play, and connection among your family members, you can do so. You can also release the container of sacred space at any time. The sacred space, regardless of its location or size, is a field of love and potential.

What about sacred space within oneself?
Within the human body is a vast universe of sacredness. This universe of sacred space within you is just as populated with potential as the physical universe is with stars and galaxies. The depth of sacred space within is limitless. At the same time, the sacred space within is profoundly intimate. Because we are so different from each other, the way we experience our internal sacredness is going to be unique. This difference is what makes our experience of the inner sacred so individually intimate.

How can we best honor the sacred space within?
Know that it exists. Know that it is love. Feeling love for yourself is the way to honor the sacred space within you.


About Maribeth Stephens
Maribeth’s clients describe her as a gifted Akashic Records intuitive. The Akashic Records are an energetic record of all thoughts, actions, feelings, and experiences across time and space. Your individual Akashic Records can be used to better understand the underlying energy of relationships, patterns, and spiritual connection. The flow of knowing that’s available through your Akashic Records can support your well-being and spiritual growth through every phase of life. As a natural empath, Maribeth acts as a witness and relays without judgment what is fundamental to you, in the moment, from your Akashic Records. Based in Seattle, available worldwide. Schedule your personal reading at akashicbalance.com.